Use "pygmy|pygmies" in a sentence

1. Pygmy Survival Alliance is a volunteer 501(c)3 organization working to help save lives among the Batwa Pygmies of Rwanda

2. He regarded them as intellectual pygmies.

3. Monotropsis odorata - Sweet Pinesap, Pygmy Pipes, Carolina Beechdrops, Appalachian Pygmy Pipes

4. That is people moving around, that's even Pygmies.

5. In 1992, the lives of the Batwa pygmies changed forever

6. 17 He's a pygmy compared with you.

7. 16 He is a pygmy compared with you .

8. 14 I thought, " Perhaps he is a pygmy. "

9. Various theories have been proposed to explain the short stature of pygmies.

10. 15 He's a pygmy when compared with great musicians.

11. Additionally, 30% of the Pygmy Batwa were killed

12. Artemisia pygmaea A.Gray – pygmy sagebrush Artemisia quinqueloba Trautv.

13. 2 She lost concentration, and the pygmy vanished.

14. 12 In fact, ideally we'd have pygmy people, too.

15. Genus Trichopsis Pygmy gourami, Trichopsis pumila (Arnold, 1936).

16. 11 The animals in effect became pygmy elephants.

17. The Batwa, also known as “Pygmies,” are the aboriginal people of central Africa

18. The authorities do not allow tourists to take pictures of Pygmies in Zambia.

19. 13 Pygmy flying squirrel western cowboy adventure in mind.

20. Eastern pygmy-blue butterflies collect the nectar from its flowers.

21. Some of the most satisfactory aquarium specimens are the pygmy angelfishes.

22. The pygmies were gone, and below the airship was a soft desert of fine, white sand.

23. The Australian Aborigines form together with the Bushmen and pygmies one of the oldest human race

24. Strawberry Pygmy Basslet, Pictichromis porphyrea, is a fish from the western Pacific

25. 19 The various pygmy groups are thus the products of harshcircumstances.

26. 10 The school site is located in prime pygmy owl habitat.

27. Age-standardized prevalence of hypertension was 3.3% among Pygmies and 28% among Bantus (p < 0.0001)

28. Age-adjusted systolic and diastolic BP were lower in Pygmies than in Bantus (107 ± 12 vs

29. Reaching a maximum height of 56cm the pygmy goat is essentially a pet.

30. Environmentalists feel saving the pygmy owl requires re-establishing flourishing desert riparian areas.

31. Bogong Bikkies: Nutritionally suitable baked biscuits help mountain pygmy-possums after bushfires

32. 23 Sprawl kills, as it turns out, and not just pygmy owls.

33. 20 Some of the most satisfactory aquarium specimens are the pygmy angelfishes.

34. Bonobos, first discovered in the 1920s, were originally referred to as the pygmy Chimpanzee.

35. 1 Reaching a maximum height of 56cm the pygmy goat is essentially a pet.

36. The pygmies trained Basenjis as hunting dogs for their settled neighbors, the Bantus, and got food especially bananas therefore

37. 25 In the meantime, however, Amphi is still stuck with the pygmy owl problem.

38. So each pygmy has its own behavior, psyche, mood swings, personalities and so on.

39. 4 Environmentalists feel saving the pygmy owl requires re-establishing flourishing desert riparian areas.

40. Ballone said the pygmy hippo pool would be turned into an indoor koi pond

41. The Batwa, a pygmy people, indigenous to the tiny Central African nation of Burundi, are marginalized

42. The Pygmy Antwren (Myrmotherula Brachyura) is a species of bird in the Thamnophilidae family, the antbirds

43. 11 Yea, I loved you all, the giant and the pygmy, the leper and the anointed.

44. What do Pygmy Beaked whales look like? The pygmy Beaked whale has a slender, spindle-shaped body, a small head, curved mouthline, narrow, sloping forehead and slightly bulging ‘melon’ (top and front of the head)

45. 29 Yea, I loved you all, the giant and the pygmy, the leper and the anointed.

46. Benga, a Congolese Pygmy, was hauled to America in 1904 by African explorer Samuel P

47. Until now, babbling had been observed only in humans and a few primates pygmy marmosets.

48. Sometimes known as the pygmy chimpanzee, Bonobos weren’t recognized as a separate species until 1929.

49. Parts of the Pygmy Short-horned Lizard’s range are over 2000 m above sea level.

50. Once while driving along the Ituri road, a group of us noticed a Pygmy village.

51. Yea, I loved you all, the giant and the pygmy, the leper and the anointed.

52. 18 As their name indicates, pygmy tarsiers are small -- weighing about 2 ounces ( 50 grammes ).

53. 6 This section was a stunted pygmy of the city, but all hers to handle and manipulate.

54. The Grim Reaper can cut life short and, under the right circumstances, whittle those still standing down to the size of pygmies.

55. 26 Until now, babbling had been observed only in humans and a few primates pygmy marmosets.

56. Chipmunks are basically pygmy squirrels adapted to exploiting the resources of rocky terrain and forest understories

57. Batwa definition is - a Bantu-speaking pygmy people of the Kasai region and elsewhere in Africa.

58. 27 Yea, I loved you all, the giant and the pygmy, the leper and the anointed.

59. Twa, also called Batwa, one of the best-known of the many Pygmy groups scattered across equatorial Africa

60. 22 This could result in the plan being modified, so as not to adversely affect the pygmy owl.

61. One current hypothesis suggests that the pygmy human phenotype is the result of evolutionary selection in rainforest environments.

62. Alongside the pedigree herd of Alpacas, you'll find llamas, pure breed sheep, pygmy goats, poultry and more.

63. The Basenji is among the most primitive of breeds, discovered in the African Congo with Pygmy hunters

64. The largest and the smallest butterflies, the Queen Alexandra’s birdwing and the pygmy blue (both actual size)

65. Ota Benga's incredible and tragic journey from his murdered pygmy tribe in Africa to the World's Fair in St

66. It was inhabited originally by the Twa, a Pygmy people, and later also by Burundian - definition of Burundian …

67. The Batwa Pygmies are known alternatively as the “Community of Potters” after the Rwandan government outlawed any type of ethnic identification following the genocide of 1994

68. Population: 3,000 The Gyele AKA Kola or Koya are the westernmost Pygmies, living in southern Cameroon near the coast, and in Equatorial Guinea on the coast.

69. The only exception is in cases of self-defense, which seems unlikely in a confrontation with the pygmy owl.

70. 7 Still, the press jumped on the pygmy owl angle, splashing headlines about the controversy across the top of both dailies.

71. The Batwa People Batwa People – the original People of the Rainforest, are Pygmies, who were the first inhabitants of the montane Rainforests of Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi

72. In fact, Galvin sees protecting the pygmy owl and its habitat as a boon to the economy and wildlife alike.

73. 28 Results Metaphyseal chondrodysplasia is a rare osteopathy that would lead to short limb type pygmy or mutilation bone disease .

74. 9 Pygmy Chain Swords are low-growing, and were used in the foreground, and Java Fern grows attached to bogwood.

75. They coaxed everything from pygmy mice to snakes to cheetahs into running on a treadmill while wearing an oxygen mask.

76. The Batwa Pymies – Complete Guide about the Batwa Pygmy History and Culture, Batwa Trail Experience, Batwa People, Batwa tribe Uganda

77. 24 These vary in size from the great white pelican and goliath heron to the diminutive malachite and pygmy kingfishers.

78. 21 The only exception is in cases of self-defense, which seems unlikely in a confrontation with the pygmy owl.

79. 5 They coaxed everything from pygmy mice to snakes to cheetahs into running on a treadmill while wearing an oxygen mask.

80. The smalleye pygmy shark (Squaliolus Aliae) is a dwarf pelagic shark from the Dalatiidae family that harbours thousands of tiny photophores